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January Challenges?

December 21st, 2012 at 09:53 pm

Hi everybody and welcome to the weekend! I am wondering if there are any January challenges starting up (or any interest in starting one) among the members? For example I see some kind of a $20 challenge on some people's postings, not sure what that is all about. I thought of one that may be worth while, to try to one day a week being a "no spend day" in 2013. Anyone else have good ideas?

Thoughts about changing habits, which is what I am here for primarily, supporting the change, is making it fun and interesting - and celebrating small victories.

I had two victories today - cancelled and cut up my two favorite department store cc's, which had 0 balances on them. Still waiting for the holiday bonus which will pay off cc1, and then I am calling and cancelling that puppy. That will be a great day!

Back to the January challenge. Any good ideas out there? Anything done in the past to kick start the new year?

I also bought some AAPL at $515 today, through on IRA which we cannot touch yet (too young) - hoping that goes back up in 2013!